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Hackathon use-cases generator

Problem: usually hackers don’t know what to build or develop not applicable to life solutions. Leading to poor post-hackathon product, project liveliness ratio.

Solution: create a tool helping hackers generate use-cases around privacy. Powered by real product necessity & hundreds of previously created demos.

1 click away from the privacy use-case.

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  • web
  • Main repo: link
  • Current repo: link
  • Use-cases repo: link
  • Ideas json-files (community & experts): link

Project components:

  • use cases DB with Git repos: hundreds of hackathon projects around privacy built through the years
  • Expert recommendations: up to date key privacy protocols & teams product nevessity
  • Generator mechanism based on filters from specific chains, domains to complexity
  • community recommended use-cases in the future versions

Use-cases diversity

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  1. Orgs ideas: Waku, Aztec
  2. hackathon use-cases like Whisper
  3. Expert recommendations: ETHBerlin example

Orgs ideas

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Hackathon use-cases

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Expert recommendations

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How to contribute

Data aggregation

  1. Add use-cases from hackathons: DB
  2. Add use-cases from organisations (protocols, foundations): here

Front-end Contribute to front-end: here

Update documentation


  • generator will help not just hackers, but grant managers & researchers
  • match use-cases with funding
  • empower devrel efficiency
  • bring a second life to unsupported code base
  • increase both diversity & efficiency of the new privacy demos
  • faster convert non-privacy devs into the market
  • standard format for use-cases x privacy (snapshot)

User flow (future)

  • dev launches the website
  • choose filters (chain, domain, lang…) or go random
  • site generates use-cases with useful links (hackathons, git repos)
  • dev do DYOR & build use-case

Team needed

  • curator facilitating the project
  • researcher collecting hackathon use-cases & demos - filling the DB
  • researcher applying the first simple filters (chain, domain) + how use-case will look after search
  • front-end prototyping MVP

Hackathon demos repo

Propose as an idea

  1. Think how to make MVP for privacy use-case generator
  2. That could use yaml + machine readable data

a) Explorer examples:

b) Jobs SQL example:

  1. Basic MVP will be

a) simple filter like: category (gaming, wallet, auth, dao…) + ecosystem (Ethereum, Secret Network etc) b) filtered out use-case snapshot (super simple for MVP: name, description, category, github icon+link, web icon + link)

Some inspiration can be found here: