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Here you can find a high-level overview of what we are planning for the future.

2024 Goals

major → #1 Privacy-centric think tank behind critical advocacy ecosystem


  1. Launch “l2beat for privacy” aka Explorer, the biggest privacy-services DB, privacy reports & researches, essential summits & meetups.
  2. Hit 10M annual reach (socials, media, events).
  3. Incl 2000 events visitors.
  4. Scale to 50 contributors (beyond core team)

Current projects

2024 Roadmap
⚙️ Core InitiativePartnership & Core team)
🔬 ResearchUpcoming reports:
Privacy Guides for the general public
Scoring Model v2.0
Hackathon Curation Pack
Ethereum Privacy Ecosystem
📅 Events2024 Season:
• 17 events in 14 countries
• 1 hackathon, 2 summits, 14 meetups
👁️ Privacy Explorerv2.0 upgrade
📰 Week in the Privacy NewsTrial period, general launch March 11, 2024

Future projects (concepts)

Privacy Cornercommunity pop-up space for hackathons and other events
🏆 Privacy Tech Awardsannual vote of most popular and interesting privacy projects
🔀 Privacy Routing Tooltool which help you choose the right private service for your transactions
🎓 Privacy Academy101 privacy educational track
🛒 Privacy Storeonline store with privacy tools and cypherpunk items
📔 Privacy Magperiodic printed magazine about web3 privacy topics & culture & art