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Event Production

W3PN Event Production Documentation


Funds to pay for event expenses and services come from the shared Season Budget dedicated for the season.

The amount to be provided for a particular event depends on the type of event, its duration and other parameters.

Visual identity & Merch

At this link you can find and download all the files to print posters, tshirts, and stickers.


The food and drink provided at a particular event is based on other circumstances, such as the amount of admission or duration of the event. Basically, we try to provide our visitors with as much comfort as possible without spending too much.

On the shortest Meetups there is minimal catering water and snacks like fruit, bagels, pizza or similar.

At longer Summits or Hackathons (or paid events) we try to offer a full range of food and drink, including lunch, dinner and various desserts and drinks (incl. beer).

Content recording

All content at all our events (Meetup, Summit, Hackathon, Congress) is recorded. For this purpose we use local Recording setup provided by third parties or from the videomaker.

During the event we also record interviews with our own low-cost equipment.

Larger events such as the Summits can also be streamed online.



Whether a particular event is free or we charge admission will depend on the context. The entrance fee and its amount are mainly taken as a tool for self-regulation of the number and quality of visitors.

We will apply admission fees where we expect a lot of interest and, on the contrary, events in less busy periods should be free of charge, which will serve as an incentive for visitors.

All our members have a free admission to event, even if an entry fee is applied.


With the start of each season we will start pre-registration for all events within that season. Potential visitors will be able to express their preferences for when and where they want to attend our events.

The only private information we collect for pre-registration will be name and email. Visitors are advised to use a privacy email provider like Skiff Mail or Proton Mail.

Pre-registration will be done through temporary event profiles on the platform.

Approximately 2-3 months prior to the event, the final registration will open and all people will be notified via the email they entered during pre-registration (see Ticketing).


We are looking for speakers for all events combined using a single Call for Proposal (CfP) form.

Within this form, speakers are able to choose the months and locations that suit them. This will offer speakers great flexibility in when and where they can present their ideas or projects.


If you are interested in visibility of your organization at our events, then we have the following options for you:

Members (highest form of partnership)

Your organisation can become a Member of Web3Privacy Now and automatically gain visibility at our events, depending on the Tier choosen.


Sponsors are our value-aligned partners who help us maintain financial sustainability. They support our mission by contributing to all our activities, whether it’s a research project, an event, a merchandise release.

Please contact us for more details.

Media partners

It is possible to become a general partner for all events, or just a partner for a specific event. Please contact us for more details.

Community partners

We offer local non-profit organizations and communities the opportunity to become a community partner for a specific event. Please contact us for more details.


We respect the privacy of our visitors and are therefore guided by the following principles.

Please respect the privacy of others!

Volunteer management

No-photo policy

It is forbidden to take any photographs or video recordings of visitors at our events (except on stage) unless they give their express permission.

As organizers, we don’t share any such photos, and if we do - it’s only with anonymized faces of visitors.

No personal data sharing

We do not provide the personal information about visitors or other involved people to any other party.

Code of Conduct

Our events are guided by our community Code of Conduct.