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Event types

We divide events into the following types according to their length and goal:


event types

Type (code)SlotsBudgetDescription
Collab (co)1 - 5$1-5kcollaborations W3PN does with other organisations or events
Congress (c)17 - 25$50-80kone or more day log gathering at larger scale
Hackathon (h)variable$40-60ka multi-day event focused on development and upskilling
Meetup (m)3 - 5$1-5kshorter gatherings for a few hours
Online (o)variable$1-5konline events that are hosted and facilitated by W3PN
Privacy Corner (pc)variable$3-10kpop-up space inside of major events by partners
Rave (r)3 - 10$10-20kraves are part of our culture, usually held after W3PN larger events
Summit (s)10 - 16$20-40kone day long gathering with on-stage speakers and workshops

Details of types


Collaborations W3PN does with other organisations or events


The Congress is an all-day event, usually followed by an afterparty.

Congress is usually made up of 17-25 slots.


A hackathon is usually a multi-day event focused on creation. What makes it different from other types is that it should end with some work being done, whether it’s some privacy-focused projects or pushing our own projects forward.

A Hackathon is usually accompanied by one or more Meetups, or possibly a Summit.

The number of slots at the hackathon is very flexible.


A meetup is a shorter type of event for 2-6 hours (usually afternoon/evening).

The number of slots at a meetup is usually 3-5.


Online events that are hosted and facilitated by W3PN


Pop-up space inside of major events by partners


Raves are part of our culture, usually held after W3PN larger events


The Summit is an all-day event, usually followed by an afterparty.

Summit is usually made up of 10-16 slots.