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Contributors Guide

Who is a contributor?

A contributor is anyone who helps us with the realization of our Projects.

Contributors are often grouped by their skills and interest in different Workgroups where they create a continuous activity, either for a single project or for some shared resources.

Every frequent contributor has the opportunity to become a Core Contributor and receive personal financial compensation for their efforts.


Project is the basic unit of work by which we coordinate ourselves. An example of a project is Research or Events or Privacy Explorer. Each of these top-level projects is a separate unit with its own autonomy and may have other sub-projects (such as a specific event or specific research report, etc.).

Integration into the W3PN ecosystem is due to the use of our shared resources, which any project can request. Each larger project usually has its own Workgroup (project-specific).

How to join a project

If you want to get involved in a project, write to the people leading it, or write to special Matrix channel if project/workgroup have it. Every project is open for collaboration!

How to start new project

Do you have an idea for an interesting project related to our topic? Are you willing to help make it happen? Web3Privacy Now is here to help you.

Steps before starting work on the project:

  • Publish and discuss a concept of your project
    • The concept should be published as an issue in our Projects registry
    • it should be discussed at least with Core Team members
  • Arrange the shared resource support you need
    • e.g. if you need money then negotiate an allocation with the Core Team
    • if you need outreach on social media then negotiate with the Social workgroup
    • for design contact the Design department etc.


Workgroup is a group of people within who are working on one specific problem (with limited scope). It can be a Core Team, a group formed to manage a some of our shared resource, or a group of people working on a specific project, or even sub-project.

How to join a workgroup

Contact the Workgroup leader or post in the respective Matrix channel.

Shared resources

Essentially, what W3PN does and what binds us together is the economies of scale through the so-called โ€œshared servicesโ€ that all projects under our brand use.

Every project has the possibility to get any resource, it just depends on how it negotiates with the respective workgroup.

legal supportAssociation
money (funding)Core Team
outreach (marketing)Marketing & Outreach
community, speakers (partners)Partnership
website (presentation)IT Operation
design (visuals)Design department