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Our Mission: Pioneering Privacy in the Web3 Era

manifesto web

Web3privacy Now is an ecosystem and a dynamic think-and-do-tank to pioneer Digital Ethics with web3 technologies. We foster knowledge and collaboration, explore practical use-cases, publish reports, train the hackers, organize events, and develop privacy concepts and tools.

The Challenge: Equal Empowerment of Privacy

In a world where connected humans are unknowingly commodified and surveilled, urgent change is needed.

The Web3 stack promotes data, privacy, and security awareness, acting as a lifelong educational partner for everyone.

We produce and curate knowledge to empower individuals restoring their agency in our hyperconnected reality.

Our Approach:


  • Educate: Facilitate education via frameworks, 101 master classes, lectures & guides (for both general & tech public)
  • Research: Build foundation blocks for the industry: standards, projects’ database, best practices, ethics
  • Partner: Outreach journalists, institutions, researchers, white hackers, and data economy academics & engage them in private topics
  • Workspace: Promote privacy as a work of the future top-of-mind career choice in web3


  • Build a community centered around web3 privacy
  • Contribute to industrial reports & surveys
  • Initiate new hackathons, lectures, and events for builders & product managers
  • Amplify knowledge sharing and collaboration between privacy companies
  • Connect traditional data & privacy experts with web3 leaders


  • Champion products that prioritize privacy
  • Advocate for open-source development
  • Promote humanistic UX/UI-culture
  • Support cutting-edge R&D projects

Ultimate goal

Empowering individuals to take control of their digital privacy through the Web3 stack.

We envision a world where privacy is a conscious, actively chosen lifestyle, accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Bringing 100M users to privacy market